Geneva School of Diplomacy

Business School #102#

not determined  

Founded: 2003




Chateau de Penthes, Ch. de l'Impératrice 18



+41 22 300 33 77




Term Dates
September (preferred), December, March.


University of Berkeley (California), University for Peace (Costa Rica), University of the Sinos Valley (brazil), Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Beijing Institute of Technology.


This School of Diplomacy and International Relations has prided itself on rigorous teaching and on a faculty renowned for their concern for the individual needs of students. This tradition is enhanced by the specialist and interdisciplinary nature of the curriculum. Our culture of responsiveness to students forms the basis of a stimulating and cosmopolitan atmosphere for the exchange of ideas, research, teaching and socializing.The high quality of education is presented by well respected and renowned professors, statesmen and women, and ambassadors. They instruct, research, and publish in both classic and cutting edge areas in the field of International Relations.International Relations is an exciting, fast-changing, broad based discipline which allows students to engage in key issues in today’s world and acquire crucial transferable skills. The institution offers a very wide range of programmes including the BA-IR, MIR, EMIR and DIR degrees. Our progammes also include study trips abroad, internships, and the opportunity to complete a trimester with one of our partner universities in China, Costa Rica, or the United States.This institution has traditionally focused on training world class international public and private sector leaders who will influence the world in a more human and productive direction.On our beautiful premises of the châteu, this incomparable institution prepares leaders for the future. – We teach our motto, “serviendo guberno” – that to govern is to serve.Mission:To produce university graduates with (a) the best diplomatic skills in the world and (b) a strong humanitarian commitment. The institution aims, moreover, at making the academic journey toward this graduation point a learning experience of exceptional stimulation, elegance and unforgettable intellectual and social encounters.By “diplomatic skills” we mean the full panoply of abilities needed by professionals in the fields of government, politics, law, economics, journalism, international business, and humanitarian work. And by “the academic journey” we mean that time spent by students at the institution is also a highly attractive period, an end, in and of itself - quite apart from the achievement and fruits of eventual graduation.The institution is set in the Domaine of a chateau in Geneva, a very beautiful campus in the heart of the most diplomatic neighbourhood on the planet. That neighbourhood is home to more than 190 international organizations - governmental and non-governmental. Our students are regular visitors to one or another of these organizations. And everyone of our students carries a card and pass to the next-door United Nations Library - one of the great libraries of the world in the field of international relations and law.The mission and commitment of the institution is that its graduates contribute substantially to improving the state of world society - while building careers for themselves of high value and prestige. To this end, the faculty of our institution is second to none: professors are either renowned academics or are themselves serving diplomats. A number of ambassadors serving their countries in Geneva are regular teachers at the university.The mission of the institution is, therefore, the cultivation of an enlightened self-interest among its students. While preparing solid careers for themselves, our students are taught that helping oneself and helping the less fortunate of the world are not mutually exclusive concepts. To pursue both goals is not only possible, but also needed and enriching.The institution prepares leaders of the future - yet teaches its students (in accordance with the our motto, serviendo guberno) - that to govern is to serve. The ultimate aims of the institution are, therefore, the solid advancement of peace and human rights.